AFRICA/NIGERIA-"There is evidence of links between Boko Haram and Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb" said a Nigerian general

Friday, 24 February 2012

Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "We were able to link the activities of Boko Haram to the training and logistical support that the sect receives by Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQMI)." This is what the Nigerian Air Force Chief of Staff, General Oluseyi Petinrin says, in a report presented by the Vice-Admiral, Sa'ad Ibrahim, at a meeting of the heads of security of the Countries of the Economic Community of West African States (CEDEAO in the French acronym, ECOWAS in English). The meeting was attended by the heads of security of Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger and Nigeria.
The Boko Haram sect continues to rage in northern Nigeria (but has also carried out attacks in the federal capital Abuja and other areas), while the AQMI, starting from southern Algeria has expanded its activities in Mali, Mauritania and Niger, touching almost Nigeria and Burkina Faso. The two movements have created links on the basis of a common ideology, but probably also due to cross-border trafficking, which are among the main sources of funding for AQMI.
The economic-criminal dimension of Boko Haram has recently emerged from statements made to police by the sect's spokesman, Abu Qaqa, after his arrest. According to Abu Qaqa there is discontent within the sect between the leadership, led by Abu Shekau, and on the redistribution of robberies carried out to finance Boko Haram’s activities. In particular members of the Kanuri ethnic group, is favored in the recycling of valuable cars, stolen officially to carry out attacks, but actually donated to the privileged members of the sect. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 24/2/2012)
