AFRICA/NIGERIA-"The attackers wore police uniforms", says to Fides the Bishop of Kano, some structures of the Church have also been damaged

Monday, 23 January 2012

Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "Kano is still in shock. The coordinated series of attacks in different parts of the city lasted about three hours", said to Fides His Exc. Mgr. John Namazi Niyiring, Bishop of Kano, the largest city in northern Nigeria, where in the evening of January 20, armed gangs belonging to the Boko Haram sect attacked several targets causing at least 178 deaths and hundreds were injured.
Mgr. Niyiring describes those dramatic hours: "The attackers seemed well trained and wore camouflage uniforms like those used by the Mobile Police Force. This misled some civilians that directed themselves towards the terrorists, believing them to be policemen, and were killed without mercy. Among the targets hit with explosive devices are the headquarters of the Regional Police, the Security Service, Customs and Immigration Department, in addition to the police station. After the bombs, the members of the commando started shoting all those who were in the vicinity of these objectives, in particular those who wore a uniform. A good number of terrorists were foreigners, especially from Niger and Chad. Some of these are probably foreigners waiting for legal regulation and were recruited by Boko Haram. Even some of the Catholic Church structures were damaged, but priests and religious were not affected. But we have news of some of our parishioners among the victims", concluded the Bishop of Kano. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/01/2011)
