AFRICA/DEMOCRATIC CONGO - Caritas- Mbujimayi brings relief to humanitarian crisis in Kasai, southeast Congo

Friday, 30 July 2004

Kinshasa (Fides Service)- The second Congolese war (1998-2003) affected mainly the eastern regions of Democratic Congo RDC, including east Kasai in the south east of the country where in recent years thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes. At least 200 families saw homes and fields destroyed by fire.
To bring relief in this situation the Caritas office in Mbujimayi diocese has undertaken a number of programmes to assist and re-settle displaced persons and families. According to the local Catholic News Agency DIA, during the peak of the crisis Caritas provided food and medical care.
Caritas- Mbujimayi has urban and rural programmes, the latter in five different places to re-settle the refugees, distribute seed and farm utensils purchased with contributions from the European Union. Local chiefs and landowners have been asked to assign plots of land where displaced families can be re-settled in villages. Usually the local people welcome these refugees. In fact the tribal leaders and the local administration officials say the new arrivals help boost farming in the area in quanity and quality. Now Caritas- Mbujimayi plans to build schools and dispensaries.
With regard to urban programmes Caritas distributed food supplies in Mbujimayi at the peak of the crisis. Since the fighting stopped it began to distribute school material donated by Cordaid a Dutch aid organisation.
But the city still bears the scars of war: poverty and unemployment have led to an increase in number of prostitutes and street children. With the assistance of local NGOs Caritas is considering programmes to deal with these situations. Caritas- Mbujimayi helped displaced persons open small businesses, bakers and carpentry and made micro-credits available in parishes. This has enabled 80% of the refugees to stand on their own feet and start a new life.
Caritas- Mbujimayi also sent emergency aid and personnel to help the diocesan Caritas office in Luebo which is assisting about 10,000 Congolese expelled from Angola (see Fides 21 and 26 April 2004). (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 30/7/2004 righe 35 parole 416)
