AFRICA/GUINEA - “Ethnic drift a possibility; we need to vote as soon as possible”

Monday, 25 October 2010

Conakry (Agenzia Fides) – "They are trying to transform the party-political confrontation into ethnic clashes, exploiting the alleged poisoning attempt used against some supporters of Alpha Condé," Fides learned from a source of the local Church of Guinea, who requested anonymity for security reasons. The tension in the Republic of Guinea has risen after the indefinite postponement of the runoff in the presidential election to be held Sunday, October 24 (see Fides 23/10/2010). Between October 23 and 24, in different parts of Guinea, clashes took place between the Malinke and Peul, the two main ethnic groups in the country. Clashes were reported in Siguiri (northeast), Kankan (east), N'Zérékoré, and Kissidougou (southeast).
Adding to the tension were also the rumors, perhaps spread on purpose, such as an alleged poisoning of a hundred supporters of Alpha Condé (see Fides 23/10/2010).
On this episode, the source of Fides said that "some people we trust have traveled to the Donka hospital, where the victims of the alleged poisoning were admitted. Doctors have said that there were no indications of poisoning."
The two presidential contenders are Cellou Dalein Diallo (which is a Peul) and Alpha Condé (Malinke).
"So far, most of the population had remained fairly calm in following the political debate between the two contenders in the presidential elections. With the spread of rumors, like the one on the alleged poisoning, there is an attempt to drag the people in a clash of ethnic character, with all the consequences that this entails," says the source of Fides.
"It is worrying that the fighting has extended to inland areas, because there, the risk of a drift ethnic clashes becomes very real. This requires organizing the ballot as soon as possible before things get out of hand," concludes our source.
The postponement of the runoff has been justified by the serious deficiencies in the electoral preparation. The President of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), General Malian Toumani Sangaré Siaka, has pledged to fix the new date of the vote as soon as possible. (LM) (Agenzia Fides 25/10/2010)
