AMERICA/COLOMBIA - “We do not want Colombia to be known only for terrorism and drug trafficking, we want people to talk about a young Colombia with people who want peace and are working for peace ”: Colombian Bishops in Rome for ad limina visit launch an appeal.

Wednesday, 23 June 2004

Vatican City (Fides Service) - “We are aware of the pain and fear caused by terrorism, the plague of drug trafficking, the horror of arms trade and so we call on the world for global solidarity: we ask for help to build peace for our people. We do not want Colombia to be known only for terrorism and drug trafficking, we want people to talk about a young Colombia with people who want peace and are working for peace ”. This appeal was made at a press conference by Archbishop Iván Marín López, Archbishop of Popayán on behalf of the Colombian Bishops presently in Rome for their five yearly ad limina visit.
The people of Colombia are committed to building peace and the work of the local Church in this direction is ample and varied: from the newborn child to the old person about to die, by way of the family, pastoral of the sick, service to the homeless, mediation in the peace process, evangelisation of cultures etc. The Church in Colombia is in front line of a project for peace which belongs to the people and some Bishops are working hard as “promoters” of dialogue between government and guerrillas, Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC). Although education and formation to Christian values are essential elements for a new culture of peace, Archbishop Juan Francisco Jaramillo, Archbishop of Cali, underlined that attention must also be given to social problems, “otherwise there will always be the conditions for more conflict”.
Numerous initiatives undertaken by the Bishops in their respective dioceses according to most urgent local problems, (pastoral care for the homeless, catechesis for families pastoral care for communities of indigenous communities, rehabilitation of former child soldiers, etc.), aim to build lasting peace, peace which is fruit of a new mentality based on the Gospel.
The Bishops said they expect their ad limina visit to Rome to strengthen their faith and deepen their communion with the universal Church. “The Pope is the principle of unity for the whole Church. Therefore as the College of Bishops we need the Pope as an element which unites us and helps us to be what we are ‘the college of the successors of the Apostles’. For us the most important aspect of the ad limina visit is communion with the College of Bishops of the universal Church and in primis the Holy Father who encourages us and gives us strength ”. Bishop Leonardo Gómez Serna O.P, Bishop of Magangué underlined that despite his age and ill health, the Pope “is a great witness, a great example and encouragement for everyone, despite his weakness, John Paul II continues with vigour and energy to fulfil his responsibility to guide the Church. His example is very edifying for all of us”. (R.Z.) (Agenzia Fides 23/6/2004 - Righe 33; Parole 481)
In the coming days Fides plans to publish a series of articles on the Church in Colombia
