EUROPE/ITALY - “The future as it is - new challenge to blood cancer”: European week against Leukaemia

Thursday, 17 June 2004

Rome (Fides Service) - ““The future as it is - new challenge to blood cancer ” is the name of an awareness campaign organised by the Italian anti-Leukaemia Association (AIL) in occasion of the 9th European Week against Leukaemia 21-28 June with the objective of increasing public awareness of blood diseases. The Initiative which is promoted in collaboration with Centri Ematologici Italiani and major European associations in this sector, will see various events in different European countries.
In Italia AIL has decide to launch a campaign “new challenges against blood tumours”. The objective is to make known the considerable progress made in recent years in the diagnosis and treatment of blood cancer.
For the whole week of the event AIL’s free call number 800-226524 will operate from 10.00am to 5.30pm. In many cities there will be initiatives and meetings for the public and the media during which researchers and doctors will illustrate their work, objectives reached and those still to be reached in this field. (AP) (17/6/2004 Agenzia Fides; Righe:18; Parole:197)
