EUROPE/ITALY - Legionaries of Christ Novitiate in Gozzano celebrates first vows and donning of cassock

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Rome (Agenzia Fides) – On September 13, in the Shrine to the Crucified in Boca (Novara, Italy), 16 young men of the novitiate of the Legionaries of Christ in Gozzano made their first religious vows and concluded their formation period that lasted two years. Of the 16 young men who took vows, almost all of them have experience of apostolate in Italy in the lay movement of Regnum Christi. Four are from France, three from Mexico, and one from Poland. The other eight are Italians from various parts of Italy. After having complete the first part of their spiritual formation, made up of prayer, recollection, and work, the 16 novices have decided to continue on their path of religious life that will lead to the priesthood. Also, on September 12, there was a ceremony for the donning of the cassock, for 15 Legionaries of Christ: 10 Italians, 2 French, 1 Mexican, 1 Croatian, and 1 Congolese, who will now begin the first important part of their spiritual formation. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 15/9/2009)
