EUROPE/ITALY - A “Charter” to highlight the cultural and educative singularities which mark the identity of Catholic infant schools: initiative of the Archbishop of Bologna

Friday, 3 July 2009

Bologna (Agenzia Fides) - The “Formative charter of Catholic Infant Schools” was personally elaborated by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna. “This is a document - according to FISM, Italian Federation of Infant Schools - original and unprecedented in our city and probably throughout the national territory, in which the cultural and educative singularities which mark the identity of Catholic infant schools will be indicated ”. It will be an indispensable point of reference for Catholic infant schools and initiatives of formation put in the field by operators. The Charter will be officially presented at a public meeting on 26 September 2009 at the Sala Borsa in Bologna.
A “great party” for children and teachers with the Archbishop and the Church of Bologna on October 1 will be organised in that city by the Federation in collaboration with the archdiocese, the Youth Association for the Oratory (Agio) with the patronage of the Province. In the area of Bologna 93 infant schools belong to Fism, as well as 34 kindergartens, for about 7,000 children and more than 500 teachers. Run by non profit organisations, (parishes, religious institutes, cooperatives, foundations), these schools share the goal to “promote integral education of the child, according to a Christian vision of the human person and life ”.
The initiative “Materna day”, promoted by the Archbishop of Bologna, will consist of a great party in Piazza Maggiore for about 2,000 children (aged 4 - 5 ) of the 9.000 infant schools associated with FISM, with their teachers and operators in the world of education. The goal is twofold: reaffirm the bond with the diocesan Church and speak to the city to render visible and present the value of these schools which for decades have served the territory. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 3/7/2009; righe 24, parole 307)
