EUROPE/SPAIN - III National Encounter for the Holy Childhood Association. Pope asks children to “now begin assuming their responsibility in spreading the light of the Gospel everywhere”

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) – This past weekend, May 2-3, 5,000 children participated in the III National Encounter of the Holy Childhood Association that was celebrated in Casa de Campo (in Madrid). This is what a statement from the “Ompress” Agency of the Pontifical Mission Societies of Spain informed. The Encounter, organized by the PMS, was preceded by great preparation during the last two months, with diocesan meetings and missionary events leading up to this special event for the children. Over 100 buses came from all over Spain to join the already numerous group from Madrid. The theme of the Encounter was “Today and Tomorrow, we are missionaries!” The encounter was meant to be “a celebration in order to promote friendship among them and with other children in the world, as well as to help them discover the universal dimension of their Christian and human formation through a 'trip' through the seven continents.”
On Saturday, there were activities with a dedication of the encounter to Mary, Queen of Apostles, which in a giant statue presided all the events. Archbishop Francisco Perez Gonzalez, National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies and Archbishop of Pamplona-Tudela, welcomed the children who all wore hats and bandannas of various colors, representing five parts of the world (yellow – Asia, blue – Oceania, white – Europe, red – America, green – Africa). After recalling the missionary's “10 Commandments,” the models that can help them to become little missionaries, the children were explained the situation lived in each of these areas, through brief videos and various activities: through stories and fables, the children learned of Asia, of Africa with an African dance troupe, featuring a magician who showed the children the beauty of Oceania, puppets who explained America, and clowns who presented Europe.
The first day of the encounter closed with a moment of prayer recalling the missionary work of the apostles who gathered together at Pentecost and were later sent all over the world, and the reading of the message of His Holiness Benedict XVI, which he sent to all the participants in the encounter , asking the children to “grow in their friendship with Jesus, the friend who never fails, through prayer and the sacraments, enthusiastically speaking of Him to others who may never have experienced the joy of knowing Him.” He also encouraged them to “observe the various parts of the world, becoming aware of their natural beauty and their needs, and now begin assuming their responsibility in spreading everywhere the light of the Gospel and its message of peace, as well as fraternal support especially for those most in need.”
On Sunday, May 3, after the missionary hike, there was a Closing Mass presided by Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, Archbishop of Madrid, and concelebrated by Archbishop Francisco Perez of Pamplona, and Bishops Camilo Lorenzo of Astorga and Bishop Ramon del Hoyo of Jaen, along with a large number of priests. During the Mass, the children displayed their joy at being missionaries with their songs and active participation. In the homily, the Archbishop of Madrid said that the missionary is someone who “know, love, and follow Jesus” and that God needs children to help Him in “spreading His love.” During the offertory, along with the bread and wine, the economic contribution of the Holy Childhood Association for 2008 was presented. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 5/5/2009)
