EUROPE/ITALY - After Jerusalem, Greece, and Malta, the Peace Marathon “Running in the Footsteps of Saint Paul” is headed towards Sicily; May 27, the torch will reach Benedict XVI

Monday, 4 May 2009

La Valeta (Agenzia Fides) – Just hours ago, the marathon “Running in the Footsteps of Saint Paul” set off from Malta. The marathon is 1300km on foot, beginning on April 23 in Jerusalem and crossing the Holy Land (Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Cesarea), later passing through Greece, Athens, and Malta, where the torch left on May 2. On May 6, the marathon will reach Sicily, Pozzallo (Ragusa), and later travel the same day 60 kilometers to Syracuse (Italy), where it will arrive at 11:30 accompanied by the Italian Navy. It will remain in the city until its scheduled departure on May 8. With another trip of 65 kilometers it will travel to Catania.
During its stay in Syracuse, just as in every stage along the way, various events are being planned, such as a Congress entitled: “Caring for Our Youth's Future. New Educational Institutions,” a marathon, and a moment of prayer with readings from the Letters of Saint Paul. The outdoor event will be sponsored by the Syracuse Cyclist Association, CSI, Fidal, and UISP, as well as the Naval Command of Sicily and the Syracuse Port Authority.
After Sicily, the marathon will make its way through Italy, passing through Reggio Calabria (May 10), and other cities: Salerno (May 17), Naples (May 19), Palestrina (May 23), arriving in Rome on May 27, where athletes and organizers will be received by Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Square. Edio Constantini, President of the John Paul II Sport Foundation that organized the event, says: “I am deeply moved by the great expectation felt in the cities that are visited by the torch and that host the marathon. There is a sincere interest among all the people - not only among Christians, but amongst the authorities and other institutions - and they cooperate in harmony for the success of the event. Since its beginning in the Holy Land, the experience of 'running' alongside Jews and Muslims who are directly collaborating in the initiative has been very symbolic. I wish to emphasize the impressive excitement in anticipation that is shared by the common folk, the youth, who feel that they are the goal of this race that runs to their encounter, just like the Apostle Paul did 2,000 years ago. The objective of the event, as indicated by Pope Benedict XVI, is to rediscover a public testimony, the relevance and charisma of Saint Paul in this second millenium after his birth. “Running in the Footsteps of Saint Paul” is an event organized by the John Paul II Sport Foundation, in collaboration with the Church and Sport Department of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the National Office for Pastoral Care of Tourism, Sports, and Leisure, the National Service for Cultural Events of the Italian Bishops' Conference, the Italian Sports Center, Catholic Action of Italy, the Cyclist Federation, the Sport and Dance Federation, the Italian Army Sports Association, the Pilgrims Association of Verona, and the National Papaboys Association. (DV) (Agenzia Fides 4/5/2009)
