EUROPE/POLAND - Czestochowa's Major Seminary launches Apostolate of Prayer for Vocations on Holy Thursday

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Czestochowa (Agenzia Fides) – This part Holy Thursday (April 9), Archbishop Stanislaw Nowak of Czestochowa officially launched the Pastoral Ministry for Vocations in the Archdiocese of Czestochowa. “We should pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life in our Archdiocese. We should all be concerned for vocations,” the Archbishop told the priests present at the Holy Family of Nazareth Cathedral in Czestochowa for the Chrism Mass. On Holy Thursday, the day on which the Church commemorates the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood, the Archbishop officially launched the Apostolate of Prayer for Vocations at the Major Seminary of the Archdiocese of Czestochowa and at the Association of Friends of the Major Seminary. Priests, religious, and families of the Archdiocese are invited to take part in the Apostolate.
The initiative of the Apostolate of Prayer for Vocations is also being supported by the Catholic weekly Niedzela. “With our Apostolate, we hope to ask all the faithful to pray for vocations and for our Major Seminary,” Fr. Andrzej Przybylski, Rector of the Major Seminary, told Fides. “With this initiative, we hope to create 'a Seminary in the diaspora,' that is, reach out each day to the youth who feel the call of a vocation. 'The Seminary in the diaspora' also refers to the prayer of families for vocations and the presence of the seminarians among the young people.” (MF/SL) (Agenzia Fides 15/4/2009)
