EUROPE/ITALY - After 25 years, the “church of the Chinese” in Naples, one of the first Chinese communities in the diaspora, opens its doors

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Naples (Agenzia Fides) – The “Sanita” District in Naples is the birthplace of the great artist Totó, and is also the site of one of the first Chinese communities in the diaspora (over 250 years ago), a testimony of the warm and welcoming spirit that has always distinguished the people of Naples. March 2 was an important day for the District, as well as for the Chinese community. On that day, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Archbishop of Naples, reopened the main door after 25 years, paying homage to the church of the Chinese (located near the “Elene de Aosta” Hospital), dedicated to the Holy Family, to the tomb of the priest from Eboli (Salerno), Fr. Mateo Ripa (1682-1746), one of the most beloved missionaries of China. Fr. Ripa was also the founder of the school for the Chinese, which later became the Oriental University, one of the most prestigious and beloved universities in the city.
“It is an enrichment to our city and our society,” the Cardinal said in the church, flanked by 45 members of the Asian Catholic community, including two priests, Father Peter and Father Paul. Next to him is little Julia, age 5, with her sweet and mischievous smile. The Cardinal baptized her last Easter along with four other children (and will baptize 4 more this Easter), as the Chinese men and women who sang the Our Father in their mother tongue, continue listening.
The Church of the Holy Family, inaugurated 267 years ago has had to be reconstructed in its upper vault. The Cardinal participated in the presentation of the reconstruction plan. The Cardinal expressed his appreciation for the painting of the “Holy Family,” which dates back to 1769, the work of Antonio Sarnelli, depicting two Chinese, the first to arrive in Naples, with missionary Fr. Ripa.
The Naples-China link has another two important events scheduled: May 24, on which Chinese Catholics in Italy will meet in the city, and in October, in which a cultural-historical Congress will be held featuring scholars from China. (CS) (Agenzia Fides 4/3/2009)
