EUROPE/ITALY - Charity and mission: 2010 will be “Vincentian Year” in honor of the Saints of Charity

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Rome (Agenzia Fides) – In 2010, the Vincentian Family will celebrate the 350th anniversary of the deaths of Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac, both of which occurred within just months of each other in Paris, in 1660.
Saint Vincent de Paul was born on April 25, 1581 in Pouy, in a village in southwest France. He studied theology in Toulouse and in 1600 was ordained a priest, although he had not completed his studies. Following a profound spiritual crisis, he decided to consecrate his life to the service of the poor, for love of Christ, and founded the Ladies of Charity (later Vincentian Volunteers); the Mission Congregation (CM), for the evangelization and formation of the clergy; and the Daughters of Charity (with the collaboration of Saint Louise de Marillac), who work in hospitals and schools. Other Vincentian institutions include the Vincentian Youth (GMV), the Miraculous Medal Association (AMM), the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) or the “Ozanam Conferences.” He died in Paris on September 27, 1660 and was canonized in 1737.
Louise de Marillac, born in Paris in 1591, was the main collaborator of St. Vincent de Paul for 35 years. She was the daughter of a member of the Marillac family, one of the most celebrated in the French Court. As a girl, she was sent to live in the royal monastery of the Dominicans of Poissy. In 1613, her tutor and future Chancellor of France, Michel de Marillac decided to give her in marriage to the secretary of Queen Maria de Medici, Antonio Legras. She had a son, with delicate health, who was a worry to his mother for many years, until he was finally happily married. In 1625, Louise was widowed and began to work with the poor in the Company of the Ladies of Charity, under the leadership of Saint Vincent. She died in Paris just months before him, on March 15, 1660. She was canonized in 1934.
An international committee is working to spread word of the “Year” that will be celebrated in all the countries throughout the world where there are spiritual sons and daughters of Saint Vincent. “The celebration will mainly consist in honoring Saint Vincent and Saint Louise as testimonies and models of love and service to the Poor,” wrote Sr. Maria Ida Cislaghi, FDC, in the magazine “Informazione Vincenziana.” “All the initiatives being planned have the one goal of renewing the charism of charity and the mission – two fundamental aspects of the Vincentian charism – received from our Saints to make them present in the Church and the world. The true beneficiaries and the most important ones in the work that came forth from the hearts of Saint Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac are the poor.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 18/02/2009)
