EUROPE/ITALY - The role of the family within the complex phenomenon of migration

Monday, 16 February 2009

Milan (Agenzia Fides) – The migration phenomenon in Italy is particularly impressive: of the nearly 28 million immigrants that – according to a Caritas Migrantes Report 2007 - reside in Europe, 3,700,000 are in Italy. Many of them arrive or are later reunited with their families. The reflection on the relational characteristics, on the possible integration and encounter with the migrant families, on their wealth and potentiality has been reflected on in a book entitled ““La migrazione come evento familiare” (Migration as a family event), published by the Center for Family Research and Studies at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. The Center, in collaboration with the CEI (Italian Bishops' Conference) also organized an international convention on the family in migration on February 13.
One of the novelties of the convention was that of not only focusing on integration in general, but to hone in on the integration of family groups in particular. “Migration is a kind of magnifying glass that reveals the typical processes of the family,” is an affirmation found in the book. The role of the family is closely tied to the migration phenomenon: not only in Italy, for example, are there an ever greater number of family reunions. In many cases, migration is a family choice and the family decides on who should be the first member to immigrate – as the book shows. This implies a bond of great ethical character: he must demonstrate loyalty and respect, maintaining the relationship, and in confronting the society and culture of the country where he is received, he somehow feels that he is not only responding for himself, but for the entire family that has sent him.
Placing the family at the heart of migration discussions, also implies evaluation of the possibility of encounter and interaction in a longer period, through various generations, thus the possibility of a more solid basis of integration, allowing it to deepen with time.
The convention began with a presentation of several videos that, through interviews with immigrant families, have reconstructed the stories that led them to immigrate. The shots showed the importance of the trip, filled with hopes and fears; the encounter with other lands and cultures – in short, the “new story” that the immigrant is led to write in their new country.
The convention particularly addressed three new themes: birth in exile and the issues of foreign women, with their different customs, having children in Italy; the use of foreigners as resources for other foreigners, for example, in learning of public or medical services; and the homo-cultural dependence (explained through the presentation of a project from the City of Parma whereby youth who come on their own and with delinquent tendencies are taken in by other families of their same ethnic origin, already integrated into Italian society). (P.C.) (Agenzia Fides 16/2/2009)
