EUROPE/ITALY - Statement from the Italian Bishops' Conference on the death of Eluana Englaro

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Rome (Agenzia Fides) – The Press Office of the CEI (Italian Bishops' Conference) has issued the following statement regarding the death of Eluana Englaro.
“At this time of great suffering, we entrust the life of Eluana Englaro to God. The prayers and appeals of so many men of good-will have not succeeded in saving her fragile existence, needful only of loving care. We are grief-stricken at this grave situation, however with a hope that is rooted in the faith and entrusts Eluana, in her body and soul, to the mercy of God the Father. This is the hope that unites us to all those who believe in the dignity of the human persona and the indisputable value of life, especially when it is most defenseless. We make an appeal to everyone, imploring that this true respect for human life, from conception until natural death, may never be lacking.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 10/2/2009)
