EUROPE/ITALY - “Organizing the goods”: the Daughters of Saint Paul restructure their presence in the world

Monday, 2 February 2009

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - “Restructuring” is today a common process occurring in many religious congregations and is a sign of a lucid analysis of their own situation, from a spiritual and apostolic viewpoint, and of their organizations and activities, which are having to face the reality of a changing world and of new pastoral needs that emerge. Among these, are the Daughters of Saint Paul, founded by Blessed Fr. Giacomo Alberione to use the mass media to spread the Gospel. They, too, are “restructuring” their presence in the world. The first step was their meeting for the General Leadership with the Superiors of the various regions, which took place in Rome January 15-25, with the goal of favoring closer harmony for proceeding together in the “organization of goods,” according to the charism of the Founder.
Present in 250 communities across the world, with over 2,400 religious sisters dedicated to evangelizing the world through the mass media, the Daughters of Saint Paul have resolved to aim at a greater integration of the Institute's resources (personnel, structures, and instruments of apostolate) and the discernment of the paths to take in continuing to be a prophetic and significant presence, permitting their charism to shine forth all its vitality and newness. This also implies modifying their presence and apostolic activities in the world: adding communities or provinces, intensifying all the possible forms of collaboration between the nations and the communities, with a an ever greater participation of the laity in the charism and in apostolic collaboration.
“Restructuring the presence” is thus, synonymous with the task of maintaining the charism alive and guaranteeing continuity in the apostolic services. In the upcoming encounters, on a continental level, the Pauline communities on each continent will take concrete steps in how to carry out apostolate in their territory. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 2/2/2009)
