EUROPE/ITALY - January 31 - youth in 400 cities worldwide will spend 24 hours in prayer for peace in the Holy Land: celebrations in Rome, Jerusalem, Africa, Asia, America

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday, January 31, youth from across all the continents will join in a non-stop 24 prayer campaign that will cross oceans and nations, involving Masses and Eucharistic Adoration in over 400 cities on the planet, praying for “Peace in the Holy Land!”. Cities like Rome, New York, Krakow, and more...countries like Argentina, Brazil, Spain, France, and others in Africa, Australia, and Asia will all be hosting the event. A special Mass with this intention will be celebrated in the Parish of the Latin Patriarchate of the Holy Family in Gaza. In Vatican City, the international day will be held with a Mass in the morning, presided by Cardinal Raffaele Farina, Prefect of the Vatican Library, along with the Salesian community of the Vatican Printing Office.
The International Day of Prayer for Peace is an initiative which sprang forth from the words of the Holy Father Benedict XVI at the Angelus, on December 28: “The Holy Land... is once again being devastated by an outbreak of unprecedented violence. I am deeply distressed over the deaths, the injured, the material damage, the suffering and the tears of the peoples who are victims of this tragic sequence of attacks and reprisals. The earthly homeland of Jesus cannot continue to witness such bloodshed that is endlessly repeated! I implore an end to that violence, which is to be condemned in all its forms and a restoration of the truce in the Gaza Strip. I ask for an impulse of humanity and wisdom in all who have responsibility in this situation; I implore the international community to leave no stone unturned to help Israelis and Palestinians to emerge from this blind alley and not to be resigned, as I said two days ago in my Urbi et Orbi Message, to the perverse logic of conflict and violence but rather to privilege the path of dialogue and negotiation. Let us entrust our fervent prayers for these intentions to Jesus, Prince of Peace.”
The international initiative is being promoted by several youth organizations: “Papaboys,” which works so that all men may know Christ, remaining faithful to Peter in the heart of the Church; “Youth for Life,” which promotes the defense of life from conception until natural death, especially through the prayer of Spiritual Adoption; the Perpetual Adoration Chapels throughout Italy and worldwide, and Eucharistic Prayer Groups, which encourage youth to remain an entire night in adoration and prayer, in order to rediscover what is essential in their lives. The Day has also gained support from many prayer groups, lay singles, and consecrated members, as well as priests from all over the world, including many Salesian parishes (January 31 is also the feast of Saint John Bosco, their founder), the Consolata Missionaries, and the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.
Youth from all over the world have been promoting this worldwide event and have expressed their support through their registration in the Facebook “We Want Peace in the Holy Land.” As of today, there are over 4,000 group-registrations and 2,000 individual registrations from people all over the world, and the numbers are expected to continue growing. To sign up individually or as a Group or Association or Parish, just visit the Facebook “Vogliamo la pace in Terra Santa” (“We Want Peace in the Holy Land”), in the event of the International Day of Prayer. On January 29, the list will be posted of cities all over the world where one can go to participate in the Day of Prayer. On the sites of the Associations that have promoted the event, one can find all the pertinent information necessary including updates, interviews, photo and filming services. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 29/1/2009)
