ASIA/IRAQ - Christians in Mosul send humanitarian aid to Muslims in besieged city of Falluja

Tuesday, 20 April 2004

Baghdad (Fides Service)- “We want to show that we are one with all Iraqis whatever their beliefs, and in joy and in sorrow ” Catholic priest Father Nizar Semaan, in Mosul diocese told Fides explaining a new humanitarian mission undertaken by the local Christian community. “The Bishops of all the different Catholic rites of the diocese of Mosul have annoucned that on Sunday 25 April there will be another collection of aid to send to the people of the besieged city of Falluja, the scene of fierce fighting in recent days ” Father Nizar said. “This mission follows another humanitarian effort by Christians in Baghdad who last week sent a convoy of food aid and medicines to the city”.
“These are inter-church actions to show that Iraqi Christians are collaborating to preserve this country’s long existing tradition of co-existence of Iraqis of different faiths, ethnic groups and political ideas” the priest concluded. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 20/4/2004, righe 15 parole 168)
