EUROPE/GERMANY - “Children search for peace”: commitment to peace at the heart of the 51st Campaign of the “Sternsinger,” with Colombia as this' year's “symbol country”

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Aachen (Agenzia Fides) – For the 51st time, in the days leading up to January 6, 2009 the “Sternsinger” (Star Singers) of the Holy Childhood Association in Germany will be on the country's street-corners singing Christmas carols. “Children search for peace – buscamos la paz” is the motto for this year's campaign, which in 27 German dioceses will witness nearly half a million German children going door-to-door, dressed as Magi, bringing the star with them. The “symbol country” for this year's campaign, which encourages German children to help other children their age who are suffering, is Colombia.
“We search for peace” is the literal translation of the Spanish version of the motto. In nearly 40 countries throughout the world, children and youth are the main victims of the consequences of war and armed conflicts. In Colombia, as well, the children experience violence in both a hidden and open manner. After over 40 years of civil war, practically the entire population has lived violence and mourning in their own family. However, there is a growing desire to break with this vicious cycle.
“Many children in Colombia grow up in a climate of violence,” says German Holy Childhood President Msgr. Winfried Pilz, in presenting the Campaign 2009. “Many have seen their own relatives kidnapped, killed, or threatened and they live as refugees, with little hope for the future. They do not know what it means to grow up in peace. However, in spite of it all they do not lose hope.”
Referring to the projects financed with the funds collected, Fr. Andreas Mauritz, President of the German Catholic Youth Association (BDKJ) (which along with the Holy Childhood Association is organizing the campaign), said: “The projects for peace that we support in Colombia are very important. If children learn what peace is, when they are adults they will be capable of resolving difficulties in a peaceful manner. And the children, traumatized by the experience of violence and fleeing their homes, need a moment in which they can sing, dance, and play and take distance from the situation.”
Dressed in their costumes of Magi, with their Star and their songs, during Christmas time and in the early days of the new year, the “Sternsinger” go around visiting German homes. Thousands of children from the 12,500 Catholic parishes in Germany will carry the “C+M+B” blessing (“Christus mansionem benedicat – Christ bless this house”) to the families, collecting donations for other children their age who suffer throughout the world. The Sternsinger Collection in Germany has become the largest solidarity initiative in the world, allowing children to help other people their age who are in need. (MS) (Agenzia Fides 16/12/2008)
