VATICAN - Pressing appeal from the Congregation for the Oriental Churches to help the Church in the Holy Land in urgent need of prayer and concrete solidarity “to sustain the presence of the Christian community in the Holy Land ”

Friday, 5 March 2004

Vatican City (Fides Service) - As customary at the beginning of Lent, Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches made an appeal to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on behalf of the Christians in the Holy Land "while almost daily we receive sad news on the delicate social, political and economic situation in this region ".
"Many Holy Land Christians have left their country to look elsewhere for another home where they can live in peace and dignity- the Cardinal writes. This situaiton make necessary and urgent the intervention of the whole Catholic Church in order to preserve their presence in the birthplace of Christianity ". He says the Congregation for the Oriental Churches is close to Christians in the Holy Land and it “works to make sure that they may concretely feel the solidarity, concern and support of the Universal Church ".
In his message Cardinal Daoud quotes a part of an address which Pope John Paul II said the a meeting of aids agencies rendering assistance to the Oriental Churches, ROACO: "'You rightly give particular attention to the territories of the Holy Land, because this region, made holy by Jesus hold great significance for all Christians. A special collection is designated for this land and my venerable predecessors, beginning with Leo XIII have strongly encouraged all Catholic communities to contribute generously. Alas, the Holy Land continues to be an area of conflicts and violence and Catholic communities present there suffer and need support and assistance in their many necessities ".
The Cardinal calls for “all the local Churches and Christian communities around the world asking them to fulfil their responsibility of prayer and concrete solidarity ", underlining that this assistance "is an expression of our response to the words of the Lord: Whatever you do for the least of these you do unto me '". Lastly the Cardinal voices the Holy See’s gratitude "to all those who contribute with commitment and generosity to sustain the presence of the Christian community in the Holy Land ". (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 5/3/2004; Righe 24; Parole 530)
