EUROPE/SPAIN - Message from Bishops for the Day for Life: “No Catholic, whether it be in the public or private sphere, can ever permit any practice such as abortion, euthanasia, or the artificial production, freezing, and manipulation of human embryos.”

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - “As Bishops, we feel it our duty to promote the value of human life in the Church and in society, and to work in favor of all initiatives that support the family and life, such as the international moratorium on abortion,” stated the Message issued by the Subcommittee for the Family and the Defense of Life, a part of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference, in commemoration of the 7th Day for Life that will be held March 31, Feast of the Annunciation. The Message is entitled, “Life is always something good” and reminds the faithful that they can “never justify the death of the innocent. This would undermine the very foundations of society.” Keeping this in mind, the Bishops invite the faithful to ask the Lord to open the eyes of all, especially politicians, that they may “realize [the truth] and bring an end to the great human tragedy that abortion implies for the child, the mother herself, and for society as a whole.” They also ask that abortion be outlawed and that there be a true support for women provided, thus “creating a new culture where families welcome and uphold life.” Towards this same goal, they also mention the possibility of adoption.
Continuing the Message, they remind Catholics of their moral obligations and duties of conscience. “No Catholic, whether it be in the public or private sphere, can ever permit any practice such as abortion, euthanasia, or the artificial production, freezing, and manipulation of human embryos.” Human life is sacred and we must all respect it and the laws protect it.” If any Catholic has doubts on these questions, the Bishops said, they should ask the Holy Spirit, in prayer, to illumine them.”
“Life is a wonderful reality that never ceases to amaze us,” the Bishops added and, “the more scientific facts are revealed, the more we can understand that man has been created in the image and likeness of God and that it is a mystery that goes beyond the boundaries of the pure bio-chemical aspects.” A life should be welcomed, respected, and loved. It is everyone’s duty to “welcome life as a gift that should be respected, cared for, and fostered, all the more so when it is fragile and in need of more care and attention, whether it be before birth or in its final phase.” (RG) (Agenzia Fides 27/3/2008; righe 28, parole 392)
