EUROPE/SPAIN - “Recite the Rosary for the Christian family and for Spain”: Campaign in reply to offensive against the family, government imposed compulsory “education to citizenship” and prevailing secularism and relativism

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - Recent controversy between Spain's pro-family organisations and the socialist government, following a crowded Pro-Family rally on 30 December, have given new impulse to a national campaign to promote the recitation of the Rosary in the family. The presidents of the Santo Domingo el Real Rosary Association, Ignacio Méndez Sanz e María Candelaria Pérez, said “the difficulties encountered by the Christian family in general, and more especially families in Spain, are giving new impulse to the practice of the recitation of the Rosary in the family”. In view of this a new campaign has been launched with the slogan “Recite the Rosary for the Christian family and for Spain ”.
The Association's statement mentioned some of the principle difficulties facing families in Spain: an offensive against natural marriage, family and human life; marginalisation of religious instruction in schools, government imposed compulsory ‘education to citizenship; prevailing secularism and relativism which aim to erode Christian morals and customs. In the face of these difficulties, “we believe the institution of the family in Spain has urgent need of prayers”, say the organisers. The Rosary Association of Santo Domingo el Real, connected with the Order of the Dominicans, urges Spanish Catholics to participate in the national Rosary Campaign. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 16/1/2008; righe 18, parole 230)
