AMERICA/BOLIVIA - State resources must be used to alleviate the suffering of the poorest people

Wednesday, 31 October 2018 development   politics   poverty   healthcare   economy  


Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - "Need to take urgent measures so that state funds are mainly allocated to implement social policies that respond to the basic and real needs of the population, such as health, education and housing, especially in the poorest sectors", says the Archbishop of Santa Cruz, Mgr. Sergio Gualberti, during his Sunday homily.
Mgr. Gualberti called for solidarity for all those who were excluded from the "banquet of life", while the use of public resources is "inefficient", according to a report by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) which he cited to justify his request.
In his reflection, the Archbishop called for attention for the suffering and marginalized people of the Country, in a special way we must listen to the cry of patients who have cancer, who reveal the serious defects of the public health system, and denounced that Bolivia is in third place among the countries that inefficiently invest state resources.
On Sunday, the liturgy presented the biblical passage in which Bartimaeus meets Jesus when he goes to Jerusalem before his passion and death. Jesus does not pass without stopping in front of the suffering of the marginalized, and he listens to the request for help of Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus is the symbol of the marginalized people. In this context, the Archbishop urged public authorities to allocate state funds as priorities to implement social policies that respond to the basic and real needs of the population, in particular those who suffer most and the marginalized sector: "we must free ourselves from blindness and ties in order to build an inclusive society with freedom, justice and peace", he concluded. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 31/10/2018)
