Tirana (Agenzia Fides) - "The New Evangelization is one of the major concerns for European Bishops, and an important work has already been achieved in several ways: Diocesan synods and reflections at the episcopal Conferences level, publication of documents (in almost all countries) and many practical applications". This is what is read in the Statement drafted at the end of the Plenary Assembly Council of the European Bishops' Conferences (CEBC), held in Tirana in Albania, from 29 September to 2 October (see Fides 26/9/2011; 30/09/2011), which Fides received.
"Evangelization is the manifestation of life and vitality of the Church - is written in the text -. The New Evangelization is addressed not only to Christians who have strayed from faith, but to everyone. Its purpose is to proclaim Christ, true God and true man, crucified to take charge of all human misery, rose again so that all might live. All believers, through their baptism, are called to participate: families, young people who, in general, are more willing to become missionaries, but also the parishes, movements and new communities. Even catechesis and Catholic schools must become more and more places of evangelization. The sacraments, then, are privileged places to put into action this New Evangelization. It is also about seeking new paths for evangelization, such as new technologies, the Internet, social networks. However, this is only possible if, following the example of Christians in the Acts of the Apostles, we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit in a new way: 'There will be no new evangelization without a new Pentecost!'. "
His Exc. Mgr. Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, spoke at the CECB Assembly, he noted that "the New Evangelization is an opportunity offered to us to read and interpret the current historical moment, so that the ordinary activities of the Church become extraordinary. In other words, we are called to live in an extraordinary way the ordinary events of the life of the Church which is evangelization". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 03/10/2011)