Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - On February 21, 1950, in a small room in the parish of Hua Sha, the first community of the Legion of Mary was begun in Taiwan. Sixty years later, its over 2,300 members, present in 206 communities on the island, are preparing for the solemn celebration of 60 years on the mission in Taiwan, which began January 1, 2010 and will end on February 20, 2011, with the theme: "Imitating Christ, Use Charity – Where is the Mother is, there is also the Son." The members of the Legion of Mary in Taiwan, through the spread of devotion to Mary, are actively engaged in pastoral work in catechism, evangelization, and social service, so that through love for the Mother, Her Son may become more known and loved. They are great collaborators with the priests and present a rich source of vocations to the consecrated life.
According to information sent to Agenzia Fides, on the program of celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary, the Solemn Mass in honor of the "60 years of the Legion of Mary in Taiwan" will be held on February 27, while a seminar for youth members of the Legion of Mary will be held on August 15. October will feature an important work of charity on the island, and on December 8, they will celebrate the day for the consecration of all family members. Finally, on February 20, 2011, there will be a Closing Ceremony for the celebration of the 60th anniversary.
The Legion of Mary is a lay movement founded in Dublin September 7, 1921 by Frank Duff, after his discovery of the "True Devotion to the Virgin Mary" by St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort. The Servant of God Frank Duff was thus able to draw from this text a deep understanding of the vital and fundamental role of the Virgin Mary in the work of the redemption of the world. Today, the Legion of Mary has over 3 million members. The Irish missionary Fr. W. A. McGrath, head of the mission of Han Yang, in the Province of Hu Bei, of the Columban Missionaries, brought this movement to Chinese soil in the 1940s. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 06/02/2010)