OCEANIA/SOLOMON ISLANDS - “ We have survived! A Message from Bishop Bernard O' Grady op, Bishop of Gizo in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands devastated by earthquake and Tsunami in early April

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Gizo (Fides Service) - "We have survived! Despite the widespread devastation, a sample of which is shown in the attached photo, we are slowly making our way to recovery after the magnitude 8.1 earthquake of April 2, 2007 and the devastating Tsunami which followed." Bishop Bernard O'Grady writes in a message to donators in the hour of need. " Amidst our turmoil, we had an inspiring experience of the visit of the World Youth Day Cross here in Gizo on April 15th, just 13 days after the disaster which left thousands homeless, and many of our friends and family lost or injured. The arrival of the World Youth Day Cross and Icon of Mary, which are shown in the attached photo with the damaged cathedral in the background, became an image of our own suffering since the tsunami and earthquake. There has been so much suffering and pain throughout the diocese. Our youth really rose to the challenge, tirelessly carting rice, feeding people and cleaning up the mess.
"We hope to encourage our youths to continue on with their enthusiastic participation in the rebuilding process of our diocese and within their communities, especially mother themselves and their families," said Joseph Lalaubatu, the Diocesan Youth Director.
Indeed, everyone has been working very well together in the aftermath of a disaster which affected all of us. We are now at the beginning of the rebuilding programme which has been much to the fore in our prayer and trust in the risen Christ. We see this as our own Resurrection. Now as we move toward Pentecost and the Church is born again, this is to become the theme of our Diocese and our rebuilding. We are grateful for what you have contributed to assist people in their immediate needs for food and basic life sustaining items which we have been distributing these in the past few weeks.
As we enter into this second stage there will be a further need for your support and for donations to address the financial burden of rebuilding the Diocesan buildings, the Cathedral and the infrastructure of many villages. This stage is being looked after by Caritas and the Diocese together. This will be a long-term rebuilding effort. Though many here have returned to their homes or site of former homes (many whose homes were lost are still under tarpaulins), in the majority of cases where whole villages destroyed, especially on the island of Gizo itself, people are still in need of food and supplies for daily life. We ask for your continued support in prayer and communion with us."!”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 22/5/2007 righe 27 parole 279)
