VATICAN - The Month of Mary - «Qué Soy Era Immaculada Councepciou»: the 18 Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes in 1858 (12)

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Vatican City (Fides Service) - Monday 1st March 1858: first miracle, 12th apparition. “
Almost fifteen hundred people gathered. An astounding number of conversions were taking place, and the town parish was not certain what to make of it all. On this day, the first recognised miracle occurred. Catherine Latapie, nine months pregnant, walked 9 kilometers from her home in the neighbouring village of Loubajac to bathe here paralysed arm in the “healing” spring. Healed on the site, she returned home to immediately give birth to a son. Recognised in 1862 as the first approved miracle of Lourdes, her healing testified of the truth of the apparitions. A visiting priest, Fr. Desirat, was standing next to Bernadette on this day: What struck me was the joy, the sadness reflected in Bernadette's face ... Respect, silence, recollection reigned everywhere. Oh it was good to be there It was like being at the gates of paradise." (JM Agenzia Fides 15/5/ 2007; righe 12, parole 192
