VATICAN - The Month of Mary - «Qué Soy Era Immaculada Councepciou»: the 18 Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes in 1858 (9)

Friday, 11 May 2007

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Thursday 25 febbraio 1858: water from the source, “for sinners”, 9ª apparition. “Immaculate Mary on that day wanted Bernadette to humble herself. For those who cared to watch and listen, true meaning was discovered in Bernadette's crawling in the mud, and the grass that she found "difficult and bitter" to eat. At the ninth apparition, a passion play of sorts was performed by Bernadette. She observed the sadness of Mary, was called to offer sacrifices and penance for sinners, and surrendered herself in a symbolic gesture representing the poverty of sinners. During the course of her life, Bernadette meditated and deepened her understanding of this mystery. Her compassion and prayer for "poor sinners" was to grow ever more profound. Bernadette rose from crawling in the mud at the Grotto. The crowd was surprised and shocked when she turned towards them. Her face was unrecognisable, smeared with mud, and chewing a tuft of grass pulled up from the ground. The surprise of the onlookers soon turned to resentment, sarcasm and anger. Some were horrified. Headlines in the next day's newspapers angrily proclaimed that "the gullible have been well and truly had ... Bernadette's real place should be in the asylum». When asked why she ate grass Bernadette replied: «The Lady moved me to do so». It would appear that during this vision of 45 minutes Bernadette did not change expression”. (J.M.) (Agenzia Fides 11/5/2007, righe 19, parole 291)
