VATICAN - Annual General Assembly Pontifical Mission Societies - “In a fraternal atmosphere we have assigned subsidies to the many local Churches for numerous pastoral educational and charitable projects some in remote almost forgotten areas” Archbishop Hoser said at the end of the Assembly

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday 8 May marked the closing of the General Assembly Pontifical Mission Societies held at the Fraterna Domus in Sacrofano, just outside Rome. Instead of the customary Pastoral Session of the Annual PMS Assembly the national directors will now take part in an International Congress organised to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Encyclical Fidei Donum. The Congress opens today 9 May (see Fides 21/4/2007).
During the last day of the AGM five National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies one for each continent, as members of the Supreme Committee, elected representatives to the smaller Second Annual Meeting in November. After this Fr. Schaluck, National Director PMS Achen presented the institution of Missio-Achen, its nature, activity and profound spirituality closely connected with that of the Pontifical Mission Societies Founders.
Fr. Óscar Zoungrana, PMS National Director in Burkina Faso and Niger, illustrated briefly the results of a Mission Congress organised among West African CERAO countries.
Fr. Aubert, PMS National Director in France, presented the assembly with a proposal for a across- the-world-prayer on the occasion of Mission Sunday. Mgr Giuseppe Pellegrini, National Director for Italy, after positive experience of members of Missionary Youth Movement at the World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany, suggested the initiative might be repeated for World Youth Day in 2008 in Sydney, Australia, assuring that the Italian PMS office would readily make available its experience.
The Assembly closed with an address by Archbishop Henryk Hoser, secretary adjunct of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and President of the Pontifical Mission Societies, who congratulated the participants and organisers for the rhythm and procedure of the meeting and also for the reliability and transparency shown with regard to the collection and distribution of missions offerings, in keeping with the respective civil national laws. "In a fraternal atmosphere we have assigned subsidies to the many local Churches for numerous pastoral educational and charitable projects some in remote almost forgotten areas" he said.
Archbishop Hoser also expressed gratitude to Pope Benedict XVI who despite preparations for his demanding Apostolic Journey to Brazil, "found the time to address us with clear and encouraging words. We were moved and challenged by his message". Mgr Hoser also recalled that Cardinal Ivan Dias Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples spoke about "working heart-to-heart" and "since he began his ministry as Prefect of the Congregation he has not ceased to guide and sustain the PMS on their way". Archbishop Hoser concluded thanking all those who organised the Assembly, particularly the Executive Committee and the members of the International Secretariats. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 9/5/2007; righe 34, parole 349)
