AMERICA/MEXICO - “We confirm our 'yes' to life especially the life of the most defenceless the unborn child who has every right to be born and to live": Bishops of Monterrey issue statement with regard to proposed legalisation of abortion

Monday, 2 April 2007

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - “We, the Bishops of north east Mexico, express concern for the many manifestations of the culture of death we see, social and intra-family violence, organised crime, abuse of drugs and alcohol, increasing poverty. All this is aggravated by a criminal proposal to further de-penalise abortion being discussed by the Federal District, which threatens to infect the rest of the country” we read in a statement by the Bishops of Monterrey, entitled "For life for Ever!", in the context of a national debate on a government proposal to further de-penalise abortion.
The Bishops assure support for all those who are pro-life, but firmly reject "sophism which claims to justify abortion on the grounds that it is a question of public health, for the good and the right of women to decide about what happens to their body, and that it will lower the number of illegal abortions". In the message the Bishops reaffirm the fundamental right to life and underline that induced abortion can never be legal because it kills a life. " We confirm our 'yes' to life especially the most defenceless life of the unborn child who has every right to be born and to live. Abortion is a grave sin against the commandment ‘thou shall not kill’ and God’s plan for life". The Bishops say they support assistance for women in difficult situations who are tempted to resort to abortion. "May our celebration of Christ’s Resurrection and victory over death increase our awareness of the value of the God given gift of life, and may Our Lady of Guadalupe, protect and bless our country", the Bishops conclude. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 2/4/2007; righe 21, parole 309)
