ASIA/PAKISTAN - Thousands of Catholic children, announcers of peace and love, celebrate Holy Childhood Day

Monday, 12 February 2007

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - Recent celebrations for Holy Childhood Day in Pakistan, organised by the national office of the Pontifical Mission Societies were a great success. Thousands of children took part with lively faith and enthusiasm in various prayers and fund raising events at Catholic parishes churches and schools in various dioceses.
On 4 February 4.000 Holy Childhood children from all over the dioceses gathered for a special Mass in the Catholic cathedral. The Mass was presided by Archbishop Lawrence Saldanha, who is Archbishop of Lahore and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan’
Fr Mario Rodriguez the national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies who concelebrated, thanked the Archbishop for his presence and addressing the children he reminded them of how readily the Apostles Peter and Paul responded to Jesus’ call. The National Director said Holy Childhood children are also called by Jesus to be missionaries of peace and love in the family, at school and everywhere.
On February 9 it was the turn of Karachi archdiocese to celebrate Holy Childhood Day. At least 5,000 happy boys and girls packed St Patrick’s Cathedral for a special Mass presided by the Archbishop Evarist Pinto. In his address to the children Fr Edward Joseph in charge of Holy Childhood activity in Karachi diocese said the world needs children to announce God’s love for all men and women and he urged them to be “little evangelisers”.
In his homily Archbishop Pinto encouraged the children to take an active part in Church life, and to be missionaries at home, at school and everywhere. “Being a missionary in the family means being respectful, obedient, helpful, kind and loving”. The children read out prayers they had composed for the occasion and presented offerings collected at school in the previous weeks.
Also in Karachi, special Holy Childhood celebrations were organised at Mariam School in Saint Paul’s parish. Hundreds of Holy Childhood children took part in prayers and celebrations and promised to be “good little missionaries”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/2/2007 righe 25 parole 258)
