ASIA/NEPAL - Pastoral activity of the Church continues despite difficulties and persisting tension. Social initiatives at Godavari Catholic parish, ‘God’s Home’ to the locals, first step in evangelisation e

Monday, 5 February 2007

Kathmandu (Agenzia Fides) - “Difficulties are not lacking, the general climate is still tense. But in the Catholic parish at Godavari known as Ishalaya, God’s Home, all is well. The Catholic community is growing, people continue to come to ask for information about Christianity, many have started a path of faith in preparation for baptism” Fr. Pius Perumana, Pro-Prefect Apostolic in Nepal told Fides.
Godavari parish has a Clinic for sick children and a Centre for women in difficulty: “We see the needs and try to help. We care for 55 minors at these two centres and have been asked to open similar centres in outlying villages. This sort of activity is the first step of evangelisation ”, said Fr. Pius.
“Our Clinic offers free medical care for not too serious infections with the modest means at our disposal”, he explains. The parish has a small professional training centre for women, 30 are taking part at the moment and a second centre for basic adult education and instruction where 40 women have already completed a six month course”. Fr. Pius notes: “People appreciate these services and we have been asked to open similar centres elsewhere and hope to succeed”.
In the meantime formation continues at the ecclesial level: “We have a good number of people coming for religious instruction. The boys at the minor seminary are doing well, with human, cultural and spiritual studies. We hope to open a new minor seminary building by the end of the year. Funds are scarce but we are confident that the Lord will provide”, Fr Pius concludes. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 5/2/2007 righe 26 parole 265)
