VATICAN - The Pope’s Message for World Day of the Sick 2007: “Once again the Church turns her eyes to those who suffer and calls attention to the many incurably ill on every continent, particularly in places where poverty and hardship cause immense misery and grief ”

Thursday, 14 December 2006

Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father's Message for the 15th World Day of the Sick was made public on December 13. The event is due to be celebrated in Seoul, South Korea on February 11, 2007, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. In his Message, published in English and dated December 8, the Holy Father writes that: “Once again the Church turns her eyes to those who suffer and calls attention to the many incurably ill … on every continent, particularly in places where poverty and hardship cause immense misery and grief ”.
The Pope continues: "Despite the advances in science a cure cannot be found for every illness and thus, in hospitals, hospices and homes throughout the world, we encounter the sufferings of our many brothers and sisters who are incurably and often terminally ill. In addition many millions of people in our world still experience unhealthy living conditions, and are denied access to much needed medical resources, often of the most basic kind, with the result that the number of human beings considered ‘incurable’ has greatly increased”.
The Church wishes to support the incurably ill and terminally by calling for just social policies which can help eliminate the causes of many diseases and by urging improved care for the dying and those for whom no medical remedy is available. There is need to promote policies which “create conditions where human beings can bear even incurable illnesses and death in a dignified manner”. The Pope recalls once again the need for more palliative Care Centres which provide integral care, offering the sick the human assistance and spiritual accompaniment they need. “This is a right belonging to every human being, a right which we must all be committed to defend”.
The Pope encourages the efforts of those who work every day to ensure that the incurably and terminally ill, together with the families, receive adequate and loving care, “the Church, following the example of the Good Samaritan, has always shown particular concern for the infirm” through her members and her institutions.
Addressing the “dear brothers and sisters suffering from incurable diseases”, the Holy Father encourages them to “contemplate the sufferings of Christi crucified”, confident that their sufferings “united with those of Christ, will prove fruitful for the needs of the Church and the world". The Pope concludes reminding the sick: “through her priests and pastoral workers the Church wishes to assist you and stand at your side, helping you in your hour of need, and thus making present Christ’s own loving mercy towards those who suffer…I ask ecclesial communities throughout the world, and particularly those dedicated to the service of the infirm, with the help of Mary Salus Infirmorum, to bear effective witness to the loving concern of God our Father”. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 14/12/2006 - Righe 33, parole 472)
