ASIA/MYANMAR - Ordination of first Bishop of Banmaw in Myanmar: over 5,000 faithful in prayer

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

Yangoon (Agenzia Fides) - Days of great joy in the new diocese of Banmaw, (Myanmar), created by Benedict XVI in August 2006. Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio went recently to the new diocese to elevate the church of St Patrick to the rank of Cathedral and ordain Bishop Raymond Sumlut Gam. About 5,000 enthusiastic faithful welcomed the Holy See delegate with traditional song and dance. All the faithful took part, praying intensely, in the ordination Mass concelebrated by 12 Bishops of Myanmar, more than 100 diocesan and religious priests from different dioceses, in the presence oft eh civil authorities and Christians of other confessions .
In his homily during Mass for the creation of the diocese, Archbishop Pennacchio underlined that “the portion of the people of God is entrusted to the Bishop as principle and foundation of unity: unity on and around the table of the Eucharistic”.
The Archbishop encouraged those present to establish bonds of communication and sharing between bishops and priests, religious and laity, fostering a “spirituality of communion” which signifies: contemplation of the Trinitarian mystery; viewing the brothers as members of the mystical Body of Christ, and therefore sharing joys and sorrows; seeing the positive in every person; carry each other’s burdens, avoiding rivalry and jealously. In fact - he said - “the principal reason for the creation of a new diocese is to provide better spiritual care for the faithful”.
Addressing the new Bishop, Mgr Pennacchio reminded him that he had become “a successor of the Apostles”…“to announce the Word”, “to confirm others in the faith and share it with those who have yet to receive it”. Archbishop Pennacchio urged priests, religious and laity of the diocese to work in close contact with the Bishop to promote the activity of evangelisation.
The Apostolic Delegate visited the Church of St. Patrick at Sitapur, diocese of Myitkyina; the Church of Saint Michael at Nahnling, the Vocations Centre in the diocese of Banmaw and he blessed the new Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. He had a meeting with students and encouraged them to increase their faith. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 22/11/2006 righe 27 parole 279)
