VATICAN - “The Catholic Church though the faithful has always cared for people with infectious diseases”: President of Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care presents next international conference on "Pastoral aspects of the treatment of infectious diseases."

Tuesday, 21 November 2006

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 21 November at the Holy See Press Office, the presentation took place of the annual international conference organized by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care. The conference, which is due to be held from November 23 to 25 in the Vatican's New Synod Hall, has as its theme this year: "Pastoral aspects of the treatment of infectious diseases."
The spread of epidemics, AIDS pandemic with 40 million persons infected in the world, Ebola virus and of new viral infections SARS, avian flu, said Cardinal Lozano president of the Council said in his intervention, "constitutes a serious threat to public health all over the world”.
“The Catholic Church though the faithful has always cared for people with infectious diseases and this must continue” said the President of the Pontifical Council.
“We can demonstrate that all over the world today people with Ebola, SARS, or HIV or bird flu and those in situations of weakness, however dangerous their infection, are cared for, assisted and accompanied spiritually and pastorally in Catholic Health Centres belonging to dioceses, Orders, and religious Congregations” the Cardinal declared
(AP) (21/11/2006 Agenzia Fides; Righe:24; Parole:258)
