Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - To continue the urgent task of new evangelisation launched by Pope John Paul II, Fides News Service is planning a section on Christian Prayers in as many languages as possible. The French diocese of Nanterre close to Paris has an excellent Cyber Curé web site with prayers in different languages; see
( It also gives links to sites with the Our Father prayer and the Hail Mary respectively in 22 and 32 languages.
Our own Fides Prayer Section will refer to these and other links:
To help the faithful in their daily prayer and also to be of use for people interested in Christian prayer we intend in our own Fides Prayer Section to include also the following in as many languages as possible:
From the Order of Mass: I Confess, Kyrie, Gloria, Credo -Nicene Creed-, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lamb of God.
Daily Prayers: Apostles Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be; Acts of contrition, faith, hope, charity; Memorare (prayer of St Bernard), Prayer to St Michael; the 20 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
Traditional Hymns: Te Deum, Veni Creator, Veni Sancte Spiritus, O Salutaris Hostia, Tantum Ergo, Magnificat, Salve Regina, Alma Redemptoris Mater, Angelus, Regina Caeli, Stabat Mater, Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto.
To achieve our goal we enlist the help of Catholic dioceses everywhere in the world especially in mission territories. Please send to Fides texts of prayers in local languages, indicating the specific prayer in Latin, English or French, to the following e-mail address: We are looking forward to hearing from you and we thank you. (J.M.) (Agenzia Fides 29/8/2006 ; righe 27, parole 277)