ASIA/VIETNAM - “WYO4children”: a musical project that heals wounds and opens people up

Saturday, 21 September 2024 children   nuns   charity   music  

Ho Chi Minh City (Agenzia Fides) - The orphans of the home run by the Missionary sisters of Charity in the diocese of Phu Cuong, in southern Vietnam, have learned that “music heals the wounds of the heart”, said Fr. Dominic Nguyen Van Lam, a 40-year-old Vietnamese priest, to Fides, referring to a special musical initiative with orphans on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City. “They are children marked by suffering and the hardships of life. Music has given them back their self-confidence and joy in life, which is reflected in the relationships between them and in the not always easy relationship with the teachers and the sisters. Music is and remains a tool for human and spiritual growth that can restore the virtuous circle of love," explains the Catholic priest who coordinates the WYO4children project as part of the Sounds of Brotherhood initiative promoted by the World Youth Orchestra (WYO) Foundation, which is being carried out this year in Vietnam thanks to the support of the Italian Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Foundation and other sponsors.
As part of a cultural cooperation initiative, the project offered concrete support to orphaned and abandoned children in Vietnam, "to emphasize three fundamental values of life: friendship, brotherhood, peace," explained Adolfo Vannucci, President of the World Youth Orchestra Foundation.
At the "Home of Mother's Love" in Binh Duong, where around 20 nuns look after a total of 80 orphaned and abandoned children and young people aged 5 to 17 from difficult family backgrounds, the young people took part in music workshops throughout the year and at the end presented the musical skills they had acquired in the last few days.
Father Dominic emphasizes "the power of music, which has brought about positive changes in the children's lives. Since they have come into contact with music and play an instrument, they are happier and the results can also be seen at school. The atmosphere in the house has become more cheerful." "Music," the priest continues, "builds mutual love: this path has not only helped the children to become more sensitive, both internally and in their relationships with their neighbors; it has also helped me, the teachers and the sisters to rediscover the joy of love and care when we share our time with them." "The Missionaries of Charity confirm how much the children's lives have improved, especially because everyone is now smiling. Music was a means of bringing back smiles and openness to love God and neighbour," the priest concluded.
In the diocese of Phu Cuong, which has around 165,000 Catholics in a population of more than 4 million people, the Catholic community is very keen on charitable and social activities. It works to help disadvantaged or poor people and provides scholarships to poor students, an initiative that the local bishop Joseph Nguyen Tan Tuoc wanted to extend to the "Home of Mother's Love". This enables the children to attend school for free. The local church provides accommodation and care for children of ethnic minorities from remote areas and works to improve their material and spiritual life. The "Wyo4children" project is part of this framework.
The World Youth Orchestra, which has 23 years of musical and social activity, is present in 75 countries, has 300 international partners, including universities and music academies, and has involved more than 3,500 talented young musicians worldwide. (PA) (Agenzia Fides, 21/9/2024)
