ASIA/CHINA - Chinese Catholic 'Faith Weekly' calls for prayer and donations for earthquake victims

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - A strong appeal for prayer and solidarity in favor of the Turkish and Syrian populations affected by the disastrous earthquake was launched immediately after the first tremendous earthquake on Tuesday, February 7 by the online version of Faith Weekly (Xinde), the most widely circulated Catholic bulletin in Chinese. "Prayer and solidarity charity are the best way to face and overcome difficult situations", reads the appeal, which refers to the experience of persecution, pandemic and earthquake in China. The website reports with news and current photos from those devastated by the earthquake areas and publishes the message of Pope Francis to the two apostolic nuncios in Syria and Turkey Priests, religious and lay people from the Christian communities affected by the earthquake also have their say, lamenting the damage to the churches and accompanying the difficult rescue and recovery work and report on the tragic number of victims and the difficulties in protecting children and the elderly in particular from the cruel cold. The Chinese Catholic communities are invited to gather to pray the Rosary for their Turkish and Syrian brothers and sisters, and to organize collections of goods and aid to be sent to the areas affected by the earthquake.
The Catholic portal has always been an effective "reservoir" of Catholic solidarity in China and thus takes on tasks that are otherwise covered by Caritas offices. "The whole world," the website reads, "is one family, let's pray for the people of the two countries affected by the disaster and hope that they will soon be able to resume their normal lives and build a better home."
The appeal launched by Faith Weekly was well received. In church services across the country, donations are collected and prayer requests are read out for the earthquake victims.
"Prayer and the collection of goods for the peoples affected by the terrible earthquake, also in response to the Pope's appeal, is a reflection of the communion in faith and in the community with the Church of Rome", Fr Giuseppe Wang tells Fides. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides, 8/2/2023)
