ASIA/PAKISTAN - Solidarity initiatives of civil society for the victims of the floods

Tuesday, 30 August 2022 natural disasters   humanitarian aid   solidarity   civil society  


Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "Our country is facing another extremely complicated situation. Pakistanis are called to come together as a nation and stand with the victims of the torrential monsoon floods that have touched millions of lives across Pakistan. More than 30 million people have been affected in the country and the numbers are growing. We are in direct contact with Pakistani Army personnel to ensure effective distribution of aid to people trapped in areas that are not accessible": explains to Fides Michelle Chaudhry, a Pakistani Catholic woman, president of the "Cecil and Iris Chaudhry Foundation" (CICF), an organization that promotes the protection of the last and the vulnerable in the nation. Among Pakistan's civil society, numerous Christian-inspired associations, together with Caritas and the various Christian Churches, have mobilized for rescue operations after heavy monsoon rains hit almost 70% of Pakistan causing serious damage to the life, society and the economy.
"In this time of great desperation, the Cecil and Iris Chaudhry Foundation has decided to use its resources to help those affected by the devastating floods. We are in close contact with local churches where volunteers working in the affected places are already present. With your support we can reach people in dire need and provide as much assistance as possible. We have set up a collection center in our office in the Gulberg II district of Lahore, where we collect essential goods", said the president.
They are requesting tents, sleeping bags, blankets, mosquito nets, dry food, drinking water, powdered milk, basic medicines, hygiene products and clothing for men, women and children, as well as footwear.
"Our team of volunteers will prepare packages to send to affected families in different areas. At the same time, we accept cash donations and a detailed report on the use of the funds will be provided afterwards", says Chaudhry.
"While our brothers and sisters endure the fury of violent flooding, the least we can do is reach out to them and show them that we care. We ask each one of you to take a step forward and take care of those who suffer", appeals the president who concludes:"Your generosity not only strengthens our work, but allows us to reach out to dry tears, heal hearts and restore smiles to abandoned and desperate people, in the most adverse circumstances".
According to updated statistics, in the last month some 1,200 people have lost their lives, 1,456 have been injured, more than 800,000 head of cattle have died and 1 million houses have been destroyed. The floods have washed away crops, houses, communication lines, water and electricity supplies. More than 200 bridges have collapsed. For all these reasons, the government has declared a state of emergency. (PA) (Agenzia Fides, 30/8/2022)

