AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Towards the National Missionary Congress 2024: the First Regional Congress is held in Pereira

Thursday, 17 March 2022 missionary animation   pontifical mission societies   local churches   missio ad gentes  

Pereira (Agenzia Fides) - With the slogan "With Missionary Mary, beyond the borders", the First Regional Missionary Congress will be held in the city of Pereira from March18 to 20, which seeks to keep alive the concern for the mission Ad gentes in evangelization today in Colombia and celebrate missionary anniversaries in 2022.
For this occasion, the organizing committee has designated the diocese of Pereira as its headquarters, and as the theme: "Missionary action Ad gentes, paradigm of evangelization". According to information from the Colombian Episcopal Conference, sent to Fides, this space for reflection seeks among other objectives: to strengthen the ad gentes missionary commitment of all the baptized; revitalize ecclesial life in terms of mission ad gentes; consolidate affective and effective missionary cooperation between the particular Churches of the country; advancing in the commitment of the Colombian Church with the mission Ad gentes universal; and celebrate the missionary anniversaries of the year 2022 to make visible the missionary testimony of the Church. This will be the first of four pre-congresses that the Episcopal Commission on Missions of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia (CEC), the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) and the National Missionary Council, CONAMI, propose in preparation for the XIII National Missionary Congress to be held in August 2024. The work of the Congress of Pereira will begin on the afternoon of Friday, March 18, with the registration, reception and Mass presided over by Monsignor Rigoberto Corredor Bermúdez, Bishop of Pereira. On Saturday March 19, the main speech will be presented by Msgr. Mario de Jesús Álvarez Gómez, Bishop of Istmina-Tadó and president of the Episcopal Commission for Missions, on the theme "Clamors of the Mission". During the day there will be moments of prayer, group work, presentations of missionary testimonies... On Sunday the 20th, the presentation on "Mission Ad Gentes, paradigm of the evangelizing action of every particular Church" will also be presented by by Monsignor Mario de Jesús Álvarez Gómez. Reflections, questions and the celebration of the missionary jubilees will follow, up to the Mass which will conclude the Congress. The event will be held in presence and can be followed through the social channels of the Diocese of Pereira and the Episcopal Conference. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 17/3/2022)
