AMERICA/BRAZIL - "For Ukraine, for life": campaign of Caritas Paranà, Ukrainian Catholic Metropolis and the Ukrainian Eparchy

Thursday, 10 March 2022 caritas   bishops   wars   displaced persons  

Curitiba (Agenzia Fides) - "For Ukraine, for life" is the theme of the campaign launched to send humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people, on the initiative of the South Region 2 of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference (CNBB), of the Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan of St. John the Baptist, of the Ukrainian Eparchy of Our Lady Immaculate Conception and of the Brazilian regional Caritas Paraná. The Metropolitan Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Msgr. Volodemer Koubetch, in a video- message sent to Fides, invites the Brazilian people to show solidarity in humanitarian aid: "Given the dramatic situation in Ukraine, with this war that has brought pain and death to the Ukrainian people, we are touched here in Brazil, especially in Paraná. The pain of the Ukrainian people is our pain. This is the time when we must reach out, offering, in addition our precious prayers, the humanitarian aid they need: food, water, medicine, clothing, basic sanitary materials, shelter, etc…".
The Executive Secretary of the CNBB South 2 region, Father Valdecir Badzinski, recalls: "The Catholic Church is one, it is universal. Where there is one of her children, there are all her children, where you take care of one, you take care of all. Therefore, both in Brazil and in Ukraine, this communion goes beyond geographical limits. When we realize that humanitarian aid is needed, the Church around the world mobilizes to heal, minimize suffering and provide relief. Therefore, the South 2 region unites, in its very essence as a Church, with the Ukrainian Catholic bishops of Brazil for a common work aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Ukrainian people".
The Executive Secretary of Caritas Paraná, Marcia Ponce, recalls that humanitarian aid is extremely important and considers that it is necessary to mobilize to welcome Ukrainian migrants who could seek refuge on Brazilian territory. For the management of the resources mobilized, there will be a Steering Committee, made up of people appointed by the organizations involved in the campaign. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 10/3/2022)
