AMERICA/CHILE - The President-elect, Gabriel Boric, meets with representatives of religious confessions

Saturday, 5 March 2022 episcopal conferences   politics   civil society  

Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - The President of the Episcopal Conference of Chile, Cardinal Celestino Aós, Archbishop of Santiago, participated, together with representatives of various religious confessions present in Chile, in a meeting convened by the President-elect of the Republic. Gabriel Boric Font won the ballot on December 19, 2021 and will assume the Presidency of the Republic on March 11.
The Chilean Bishops after the election reiterated that the Catholic Church in Chile "wants to continue contributing, according to its particular mission, to the construction of a more just and fraternal humanity, where especially the poor and those who suffer are respected in their dignity". Therefore, they assured their support, their prayers and the contribution of pastoral action, "always with due respect for the democratic order of our country and its legitimately elected authorities" (see Fides, 20/12/2021).
According to the statement of the Episcopal Conference on the meeting with the President-elect, published yesterday, Cardinal Aós told President Boric that he will always have the respect and collaboration, both critical and constructive, of the Catholic Church. "We recognize you as the nation's highest authority, elected by all Chileans, and you will be able to count on our collaboration to build a more just Chile, where truth, honesty and dialogue prevail over violence". He then underlined the importance of social peace, with a reference to the terrible armed conflict currently taking place in Ukraine. The President-elect, Gabriel Boric, underlined the importance of the different Churches, acknowledging that their social action is present in many places that the State has difficulty reaching, and highlighted the importance of collaboration in these areas.
All the representatives of the religious confessions present appreciated this meeting and expressed their good wishes for the administration, which begins on March 11. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 5/3/2022)
