Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - "Let us pay attention to Pope Francis' appeal to pray and fast for peace in Ukraine. The power of the sincere prayers of so many people can achieve what is beyond human imagination": this is the call for prayer and peace for Ukraine, launched by Msgr. Stephen Chow SJ, Bishop of Hong Kong, and sent to Fides. "Recognizing the complexity of international politics, we are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and civilian homes. Military maneuvers and manipulation of political powers are shattering the hope of Ukrainians for peace and stability in their homeland", notes the text. "While we are fighting the fifth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Hong Kong, we cannot ignore the pains that another pandemic of selfishness and hegemonic mentality is inflicting on our world. We are citizens of the global village and our well-being is intimately intertwined. We offer our heartfelt prayers for those in Hong Kong and around the world affected by these two pandemics", writes the Bishop. "Therefore - he continues - we must pray to our merciful God to deeply touch the hearts of those who have the power to reverse this tragic trajectory in order to restore the hope for peace in our world. We hope that empathic dialogues will begin sooner between the parties involved". The message ends with a heartfelt plea: "O Lord, you are the Lord of history and our merciful God. You never take pleasure in the loss of human life and our broken heart. Please hear our prayers and send your Spirit to touch hardened hearts and hearts yearning for healing", sending special blessings "to our Ukrainian friends residing in Hong Kong and our Hong Kong friends residing in Ukraine". (DN-PA) (Agenzia Fides, 28/2/2022)
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