ASIA/KAZAKHSTAN - A dispensary for the sick in the diocese of Almaty: the Consolata Missionaries are at the side of those who suffer

Saturday, 19 February 2022 healthcare   missionary institutes   mission  

Zhanashar (Agenzia Fides) - "Health, especially in poor countries without structures or resources, is becoming one of the priorities of our missionary presence. In particular, with regard to health care in Kazakhstan, we are increasing our efforts to be able to better respond to the needs of the local population. It is precisely for this reason that we decided to build a dispensary, to be close, to treat and console those who suffer". Thus reports, in an interview with Fides, Sister Dalmazia Colombo, in charge of the projects of the non-profit organization "Allamano tra iopoli", of the Consolata Missionaries, speaking of the missionary commitment and the challenges that religious women face every day in the Asian country. The organization is named after Giuseppe Allamano (1851-1926), presbyter and founder of the Congregations of Missionaries of the Consolata, proclaimed Blessed by Pope John Paul II in 1990.
The Consolata Missionaries arrived in Kazakhstan in February 2020, settling in the Diocese of Almaty in Zhanashar, a small village of about 4,000 inhabitants located 40 kilometers from the capital. They began to learn the local language and to enter into the social, cultural and religious fabric of people, to know their reality and their needs through closeness, dialogue and friendship. The sanitary situation in Zhanashar is very precarious, explains Sr. Dalmazia, medicines are very expensive and there is no medical dispensary, which seriously affects the health of people who experience very long and cold winters.
To be able to help people, even with simple over-the-counter medicines, it is necessary to have a clinic: "The diocesan Caritas of Almaty donated the structure", reports the missionary, "and for the moment we have managed to equip it with doors and windows. It is still necessary to install electricity, gas and water and to install the toilets. We sincerely thank all those who will help us to carry out this project to improve the health conditions of Zhanashar residents".
The nun says: "The project of missionary life in the small portion of the Church already present in Kazakhstan was developed in harmony with the elements that the two institutes, the Missionaries of the Consolata, have at the center of their charism: "to be witnesses of the presence of God among the poor, to become pilgrims who walk with the people. Together, as a team, she concludes, we will try to contribute to the growth of this community which Pope Francis has described as "a sprouting church. Kazakhstan's population of about 18 million is 70% Muslim. Twenty-six percent are Russian Orthodox Christians, while another 1.14% includes small Christian communities of other denominations, including Catholics. (ES-PA) (Agenzia Fides, 19/2/2022)
