ASIA/INDONESIA - Covid-19 has not stopped the celebrations of the Camillian Missionaries in Flores for the sick on the island

Monday, 14 February 2022


Maumere (Agenzia Fides) - In recent years, on the occasion of World Day of the Sick, the Camillian missionaries, present in Maumere, Island of Flores, have always organized a special Eucharistic celebration for sick people on February 11. "This year, due to the current pandemic situation of Covid-19, it was decided to reach them in their homes", Father Luigi Galvani, a Camillian missionary (MI) pioneer in Flores, writes to Fides. "The initiative gave us the opportunity to meet their families and realize the poor living conditions of many of them - continues the priest. A special food gift package offered to each of them made the meeting more fraternal, and often, welcomed by visible tears of joy and gratitude".
The missionaries did not limit themselves to the celebration of February 11 and, already the night before, they organized a meeting with fifteen young doctors present in the local Camillian hospitals.
"Together with our doctors we had the opportunity to share Pope Francis' message (see Fides, 10/2/2022) in which he expressed his appreciation for their medical profession, encouraging them to be 'little missionaries' of faith and listening in their meetings with the sick - explains Fr. Luigi.
The Holy Father's message was received with gratitude by the entire group, made up not only of Catholics, but also of members of other confessions: Protestants and Muslims".
Fr Galvani concludes his testimony of this day by emphasizing "the new missionary enthusiasm and the appreciation of the pastoral commitment shared with the laity of the Camillian Family and the Legion of Mary on this occasion". (LG/AP) (Agenzia Fides, 14/2/2022)
