AMERICA/COSTA RICA - New appeal by the Bishops for the elections of February 6: "Work for the common good"

Friday, 4 February 2022 elections   politics   human life   social situation   episcopal conferences  


San José (Agenzia Fides) - A few days before the general elections on February 6, the Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica has launched a new appeal so that "after the electoral process we work for the common good". The bishops had already expressed their opinion on the importance of the national elections and on the situation of the country in different circumstances. In their message of September 27, 2021 (see Fides, 28/9/2021), the bishops reflected on the reality of the country and on the different types of crises that citizens face, hoping for the election of people who have the ability to "rebuild and consolidate the foundations of the nation, in search of the common good and the integral development of people". In a second message a few days ago (see Fides, 24/1/2022) the bishops invite "to reflect on the decisive moment that our country is going through", and "to vote and assume the responsibility that, as citizens, we all have, as it is vital to strengthen our democracy".
In the last statement entitled "A united family", which is dated February 2, they reiterate the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (nn.1906, 1908), the importance of voting and appreciating "the sacred right of suffrage", paying special attention to the fact that those elected "work for the good of Costa Rica".
The bishops trust that democracy will be strengthened, based on the principles that led to independence 200 years ago, and that the family be placed at the center, as the fundamental cell of society, "so that the well-being and integral development are possible for everyone in the nation, without excluding anyone". In particular, the bishops ask those who will be elected to put aside private interests in the name of the common good, ensuring that everyone has what is necessary for an authentically human life. On February 6, 3.5 million Costa Rican citizens are called to elect the President, two Vice Presidents and 57 deputies, who will serve for four years. Re-election to the presidency is allowed in Costa Rica, but not for consecutive terms. To win in the first round, at least 40 percent of the valid votes must be obtained. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 4/2/2022)
