AMERICA/GUATEMALA - The Bishops: the second Christmas overshadowed by the pandemic leads us to appreciate the splendor of Christ who comes to enlighten the world

Thursday, 16 December 2021 christmas   coronavirus   episcopal conferences  

Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) - A "call to hope" to live the celebration of the birth of the Son of God and to let oneself be enlightened by the Light of the world offered to each person, has been launched by the Bishops of Guatemala, who underline, with Pope Francis: "Christmas without Jesus does not exist". In their message, sent to Fides, entitled "Let's walk together in the light of the Lord", the Bishops highlight that "Christmas, for the second year, is lived in a world overshadowed by the Coronavirus pandemic, along with other shadows that afflict our personal, family, community and social life". Christmas leads us "to appreciate the splendor of Christ", for this reason the Bishops congratulate the families because, following the example of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, "they have remained united and sought ways of survival". In particular they are united with thousands of migrants and also with those from other countries, whose children and brothers have passed through Guatemala. "May divine Providence and Christian commitment - they hope - help you to preserve the greatest treasure: that of life itself". The Bishops express words of appreciation for "the wonderful service of the health workers and of all the volunteers; service marked all over the world by heroism in the pandemic, as well as by countless personal sacrifices, including one's own life". They, therefore, urge everyone "not to lower one’s guard" even when the situation seems less serious, and in the search for the common good, they invite everyone to maintain openness to vaccination and to observe health measures. "The celebrations of these days, especially in the family, must not be occasions of contagion, which would be very serious for all of society". Finally, they invite to live the synodal itinerary which has already begun in Latin America and the Caribbean with the Ecclesial Assembly in November, thus accepting Pope Francis' invitation to "walk together", so that "advancing in communion, participation and mission, we joyfully come to the end of this stage in the year 2023". The Bishops of Guatemala wish everyone that, with the help of Mary Mother of God and her husband Saint Joseph, they can reach the humble manger of Christ, who is about to come to the world, to "let ourselves be transformed by his radiance which assures us that God the Father does not abandon his children". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 16/12/2021)
