AMERICA/GUATEMALA - Protests, social tension, Covid, the Bishops launch the appeal for dialogue

Tuesday, 17 August 2021 human rights   covid-19   dialogue   bishops  


Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of Guatemala have once again raised their voices in the face of the serious social and political situation that the Central American country is experiencing regarding the dramatic situation in hospitals due to the infections from Covid-19. "The level of exhaustion of health personnel is alarming; the number of infected people has increased considerably; the sectors of the population affected concern different ages and the announcement of the presence of a new, more aggressive and contagious strain of the virus is very worrying", reads the note sent to Fides.
"Mass vaccination against the Covid-19 virus has not achieved the expected results, both due to the slowness of administration and because not all citizens show up to be vaccinated".
The Bishops also expressed concern over the recent social protests called by various sectors to demand the resignation of the Attorney General and the President of the Republic; protests with blockades on roads, customs and airports.
"For us Bishops, with the awareness that comes from our pastoral and civil responsibility, what is happening now is a cause of great concern. It is the clear sign of a lively dissatisfaction of the people, of their discontent, of their frustration and of disappointment", they point out.
The communiqué concludes with an appeal for dialogue and recalling that "It is not the resignation of the president what the people should ask for, as it would mean a serious step backwards in our democratic process, but rather remind him of the commitments he made so vehemently in his speech of settlement and ask him to fulfill them". (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 17/8/2021)
