AMERICA/MEXICO - The murder of Friar Juan Antonio Orozco must not go unpunished, "may his death be a seed of hope"

Saturday, 19 June 2021 missionaries killed   missionary institutes   social situation   violence   armed groups   politics   human rights  

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "The systematic violence experienced in the Mexican national territory deriving from the activity of organized crime cannot be made invisible; as well as the little or no commitment and preparation on the part of federal, state and municipal authorities to not only protect citizenship, but also to carry out an adequate investigation to prosecute and punish this type of crime, thus violating the human right to life, dignity and security of the population in general".
This is what the Commission for "Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation" of the Franciscan family of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean writes, in a public petition in which the authorities are asked to conduct an in-depth investigation to clarify the facts and identify those responsible for the armed clash that caused the death of Father Juan Antonio Orozco Alvarado, OFM on June 12 (see Fides, 14/6/2021). Around 11 am, they recall, "when our brother was about to celebrate the Eucharist in the Tepehuana of Pajaritos Community, belonging to the municipality of Mezquital, Durango, unfortunately, he was deprived of life in the crossfire during an armed clash of the the organized crime cartels that are in conflict for the territory of that area".
Reiterating their repudiation of these events, the Franciscans turn to the federal authorities of Mexico; to the authorities of the states of Jalisco, Durango, Zacatecas and Nayarit; the National for Human Rights Commission; and the State Human Rights Commissions. Their requests concern: a thorough investigation that reconstructs the events that occurred so that the murder does not go unpunished; due process, as well as reparation for the damage to the victims; in the event that there are more victims, we request that they be treated with dignity and respect for their Human Rights; the creation of public policies destined to guarantee the defense of the security of the population in general in accordance with international standards, thereby guaranteeing public order.
The Franciscans reiterate their commitment to "continue announcing justice and peace, in an active commitment with other organizations and Christian Churches that defend Human Rights and the victims of this system of institutional violence". They are close to the pain of the family of Friar Juan Antonio Orozco Alvarado, asking "the God of Life, to welcome this new martyr with open arms, and that his death be for us a sign of hope and struggle, so that in our country may justice be the banner with which Christians raise their voices to say 'Stop the violence' which contaminates our society and has permeated our families. May his death be a seed of hope for the people who struggle!". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 19/6/2021)
