AFRICA/MALI - Coup within the coup: old practices that starve African peoples

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - What happened yesterday, May 25, 2021, has been described as a "coup within the coup" by the military against the leaders of the transitional executive as well as the colonels who carried out the coup d'etat last August, do not appreciate (see Agenzia Fides, 19/8/2020).
"This umpteenth coup in Mali once again throws the African continent into desolation", wrote to Agenzia Fides Fr. Donald Zagore, Ivorian theologian of the Society for African Missions. "When will these old practices end? asks Fr. Zagore. The years go by but the scenarios remain the same. Where African peoples commit themselves and fight for development and for a better life, coups d'état, corruption, violation of rights, Lifetime dictatorships and presidencies are perpetuated.
Africa, the old continent, is struggling to abandon these old practices, but political instability can only lead to economic misery. These political crises starve African peoples".
The missionary reiterates the concept that the Africa of yesterday as that of today sadly continues to write its history on crooked lines. "The entire population of the continent longs for a life in Europe. In fact, while African elites have jobs in Africa, they live in Europe, where they send their children to study or on vacation, the poorest have no choice but to immigrate. They risk crossing the desert or die at sea.
"Zagore is convinced that the continent can improve, but on one condition: that African mentality changes.
"May African consciences awaken to the good, the right and the true. We cannot in any way hope for new policies, promises of stability and peace if we remain prisoners of the old ones. Change mentality to embrace a new policy, defend the values of justice, truth, development and peace are the key to salvation. We need "new wine, new wineskins" as the apostle Mark says in the Scriptures". (DZ/AP) (Agenzia Fides, 26/5/2021)
